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Custom Signs for Restaurant

Effective signage for restaurants starts outside your building and carries through your facilities, providing an attractive, cohesive, and professional feel. We want potential customers to experience the quality of service that you offer from the moment they set their eyes on your sign.

A good sign is an attention grabber. But a great sign will entice customers to come into your restaurant and order your food. Here at Saint John Sign Company, we aim to help you create the latter. If you want a restaurant sign,  you are definitely spoilt for choice. There are as many kinds of signs as there are types of cuisine. You’ve come to the right place whether you are looking for interior wall decals or exterior signage, we design and make great ones.

It’s no surprise that your signs will flow naturally from your interior design. This is why we recommend that long before you open, you should consult a sign maker who specialises in outdoor restaurant signs to help you with brand visibility. 

Make Sure You Don’t Miss These Opportunities For Your Restaurant

There are various types of signs for your restaurant. Most common of course is your menu specials. You can put these on sidewalk sign boards or other signage to promote the details of your restaurant’s menu. There are custom wall graphics that add flair and personality to your brand and make for excellent ambiance. Don’t forget directional signs at appropriate locations and stations to indicate the flow of traffic and service. Put a logo or two on the right location on your window to maximise exposure. Other custom restaurant signage ideas include last but not least, the primary business sign on top of your storefront. 

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Memorable Commercial Restaurant Signs

Signs for restaurants are a bit different from other business signs. Here are some tips to keep in mind when selecting what kind of signs for your restaurant are appropriate.

Target Market. There are several general markets you can serve, e.g. families, the highly sophisticated adult market, the health conscious market and more. These will affect the decor and ambiance that will be successful as well as the signage.
Type of Sign: Depending on your location, you can choose from a monument sign for an upscale place, illuminated sign for something open late at night, or awning signs for your restaurant if you allow dining outdoors.
Colours: There is science that says colours affect our mood  including our appetite! Bright colours that evoke feelings of warmth and attention are the best. Colours like purple evokes exclusivity, as it often represents royalty.
Lettering: You should choose large, easy to read fonts for a restaurant. That doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice style. Work with your designer on this to find the best font style for you and your restaurant sign design.
Other considerations include contrast of your sign as well as placement location. 

Experts in Making Custom Signage

Here at Saint John Sign Company we take care of all the steps of creating your perfect custom restaurant signs from design, material selection, manufacture through to installation. As your restaurant evolves, we are there to change and update your signage to reflect your branding. 

We want to supply you with the right commercial signs to attract diners to your establishment. To this end, we can share our additional resources with you on how best to help your customer make the most of their dining experience. In addition to restaurant signs, we offer signs for other businesses and institutions such as signage for storefront, signs for church, construction hoarding signs and bar signs.

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